AlgaFlex increases yield and head weight in iceberg lettuce

We wanted to assess the effects of AlgaFlex on the performance of iceberg lettuce in the field. In particular, to examine the effects against a range of alternative biostimulant applications with regards to plant growth, the amount of biomass produced and the quality of the produce.

Our objectives: A number of foliar nutrient solutions with nutrient and biological activity have appeared on the market over the past few years, claiming to increase plant growth and yield in lettuce as well as a range of other crops. These products, along with others submitted, were tested by applying their recommended rates and timings.

Results in summary

AlgaFlex performed best overall, providing the highest yield and highest weights per head of lettuce and per plot.


The results show all of the treatments apart from T7 & T8 resulted in a higher yield than the untreated control. Of these, AlgaFlex gave the highest head weights, with a 9% head weight increase over the untreated controls. AlgaFlex and T6 also gave the highest total weight, a 5% total yield increase, per plot when compared with the untreated controls. T4 also performed well with an 8% increase in mean head weight.


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